CrossFit – Mon, Aug 14

Jute CrossFit – CrossFit


Warm Up (No Measure)

Band Warmup (upper/lower)


3 sets:

5 Front Squats (empty bar)

5 Push Press

5 Thrusters

5 Up Downs + Step Over

10 Scap Pulls


Metcon (Time)


Thrusters (95/65)

Burpee Over Bar

Chest to Bar

* Target time: 8-10 minutes

* Time cap: 12 minutes

* This is a repeat workout from 7/25/22


Accessory (No Measure)

5 Sets

5-8 reps of:

Advanced: Strict Toes to Bar

Intermediate: Strict High Knee + Extension

Beginner: Strict High Knees

* Alternative Option: 10 Weighted Sit Ups

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