CrossFit – Wed, Aug 21
Warm Up
2:00 Shuttle Run
10 Roll and Reach
10 Bird Dogs
10 Glute Bridges
3 Rds
5 Deadlifts (empty bar – build across sets)
5 Half Kneeling Single Arm Dumbbell Press. (each)
Deadlift (1×5+)
Metcon (Time)
300ft DB Carry (100/70)(hold in any position)
5 Rounds
10 Dumbbell Push Press (50s/35s)
50ft Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunge (50s/35s)
300ft DB Carry
* Target time: 9-11 minutes
* Time cap: 14 minutes
10:00 Running Clock
#1: 10 reps @ 45%
#2: 5 reps @ 55%
#3: 5 reps @ 65%
#4: 5+ reps @ 75%
On the final set (5+), push for a few more reps within your limits without going to failure. Stop 1-2 reps before form breaks down (or stop at 5 if needed).