CrossFit WOD, June 22, 2024

CrossFit – Sat, Jun 22

Warm Up

500m Jog (2 laps)
2 Rounds (each)
50′ Walking Lunge
10 Band Good Mornings
Practice on sleds and working weight farmers and front rack carries

Metcon (Time)

Teams of 2
4 Sets (each, 1:1):
100 meter Sled Push (2×45/1×45)(outside)
100 foot Dumbbell Farmer Carry (2×70/50)(inside)
100 foot Double Dumbbell Front Rack Carry (2×70/50)(inside)

*Partner completes one full set while partner 2 rests

*Goal is 2:00-2:30 per person per round

*Total time cap- 25:00

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