Saturday, January 19th, 2019

Saturday, January 19th, 2019

WOD: Metcon (Time)
As a team of 2, complete the following for time:

100 Dumbbell Push Press (50lbs/35lbs), while partner holds a handstand against wall.

75 Dumbbell Squat Cleans (50lbs/35lb), while partner holds a wall squat at parallel

50-50-40-40-30-30-20-20-10-10 Double Unders, while partner holds a Ring Support

*Partners may switch as needed for the first two exercises and partners must alternate sets of Double Unders. Reps may not be accumulated if the static hold is not being held.

*All reps completed before moving on to next exercise

**There is a 20:00 CAP on the workout!

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