Saturday, November 10th, 2018
WOD: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
With a partner for time:
400m Run
100 Synchronized walking lunges
??Back knee touch the floor and standing up at the top of the rep is the synchro.
400m Run
80 Synchronized sit-ups
??Slap hands at the top of each rep.
400m Run
60 Box jumps (30″/24″)
??Accumulated, one person works at a time.
400m Run
40 Synchronized back squats (135lbs/95lbs)
??Synchronized is the top and bottom of the rep.
400m Run
20 Synchronized Dumbbell snatches (55lbs/35lbs)
??Partners get the DB to the top at the same time.
400m Run
400m Run
100 Synchronized walking lunges
??Back knee touch the floor and standing up at the top of the rep is the synchro.
400m Run
80 Synchronized sit-ups
??Slap hands at the top of each rep.
400m Run
60 Box jumps (30″/24″)
??Accumulated, one person works at a time.
400m Run
40 Synchronized back squats (135lbs/95lbs)
??Synchronized is the top and bottom of the rep.
400m Run
20 Synchronized Dumbbell snatches (55lbs/35lbs)
??Partners get the DB to the top at the same time.
400m Run