Saturday, November 17th, 2018
WOD: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
In groups of 4
AMRAP 20:00
Person 1- Row 12/8 calories
Person 2- Dumbbell shoulder press (35lbs/25lbs)
Person 3- Barbell jumping lunges (45lbs/35lbs)
Person 4- Knees to elbows
AMRAP 20:00
Person 1- Row 12/8 calories
Person 2- Dumbbell shoulder press (35lbs/25lbs)
Person 3- Barbell jumping lunges (45lbs/35lbs)
Person 4- Knees to elbows
*The group rotates when the person rowing finishes the 12/8 calories. The score is the total number of reps accumulated including the calories on the rower.