CrossFit WOD, October 17, 2024

CrossFit – Thu, Oct 17

Warm Up
Warm Up

Band Warmup
3 rds
30-second Jump Rope (practice)
10 Ring Rows (easy)
5 Kip Swings
5 Turkish Sit Ups (each)

Bar Muscle Up Skill (AMRAP – Reps)

2:00 AMRAP for max reps of:

Bar Muscle Ups
*Mod 1- Kipping Chest to Bar Pull-ups or Kipping Pull-ups
*Mod 2- Ring Rows


6 sets
1:30 AMRAP
50 Crossovers (Or 100 Single Unders)
Max Strict Pull-Ups in the remaining time
-1:30 rest between sets-

*No score, focus on quality of movement

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