Saturday, February 16th, 2019

Saturday, February 16th, 2019

A): Metcon (Time)
For time:
100ft Double dumbbell overhead walking lunge
25 Strict handstand push-ups
100ft Dumbbell front rack walking lunge
25 Strict ring dips
100ft Dumbbell walking lunge, dumbbells held at sides
25 Strict pull-ups
100ft. Single dumbbell front rack walking lunge

*50ft with the dumbbell on right shoulder and 50ft with the dumbbell on left shoulder
*Use (50lbs/35lbs)
B): Metcon (Time)
For partner FUN!
For time:
100ft Synchro double dumbbell overhead walking lunge
50 Strict handstand push-ups
100ft Synchro dumbbell front rack walking lunge
50 Strict ring dips
100ft Synchro dumbbell walking lunge, dumbbells held at sides
50 Strict pull-ups
100ft. Synchro single dumbbell front rack walking lunge

*50ft with dumbbell on right shoulder and 50ft with dumbbell on left shoulder
*The synchcro is the back knee touch the floor at the same time. The reps on the gymnastics are accumulated with one athlete working at a time.
*Use (50lbs/35lbs)
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