CrossFit WOD, September 7, 2024

CrossFit – Sat, Sep 7 Warm-up Warm Up 3:00 Machine-into-3 Rounds10 Glute Bridges5 Deadlifts (empty bar – build across sets)5 Strict Press (empty bar – build across sets)5 Front Squats (empty bar- build across sets) WOD Metcon (Time) Teams of 22 rounds: 50 Deadlifts (225/155)50

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CrossFit WOD, September 5, 2024

CrossFit – Thu, Sep 5 Warm-up Warm Up 2:00 Air Bike-into-2 Rds5 Roll and Reach5 Inch Worms-into- 2 sets (PVC-empty bar)5 Snatch Deadlifts 4 Hang Muscle Snatch 3 Hang power Snatch 2 Power Snatch SWOD SWOD Power Snatch (10×3) Every 1:15 x 10 sets 3

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CrossFit WOD, September 4, 2024

CrossFit – Wed, Sep 4 Warm-up Warm Up 2:00 Jump Rope Practice-into-5 Dynamic Squat Stretches5 Burpees5 Back Squats (empty bar – build in weight) SWOD Back Squat (1×1+) 12:00 Running ClockBack Squat:#1: 10 reps @ 55%#2: 5 reps @ 65%#3: 3 reps @ 75%#4: 1+

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CrossFit WOD, September 3, 2024

CrossFit – Tue, Sep 3 Warm-up Warm Up Running Warmup -into-3 Rds5 Pike Push Ups5 Alt. Step Ups (each leg)50m Jog WOD Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 20:00 AMRAP400m Run 6 Wall Walks18 Single Dumbbell Alternating Box Step Ups (50/35)(24”/20”) *Target number of Rounds:

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CrossFit WOD, September 2, 2024

CrossFit – Mon, Sep 2 Warm-up Warm Up 3 Rds10 Roll and Reach10 Bird Dogs-Into-5 Deadlifts (empty bar)5 Hang Power Cleans (empty bar))5 Kip Swings3 Inch Worms SWOD Deadlift (1×1+) 12:00 Running Clock Deadlift:#1: 10 reps @ 55%#2: 5 reps @ 65%#3: 3 reps @

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CrossFit WOD, August 31, 2024

CrossFit – Sat, Aug 31 Warm-up Warm Up 2 Rds Partner 1- 120m JogPartner 2- Row-into-3 Rounds5 Burpees10 Alternating V-Ups5 Bench Press (empty bar – build across sets) WOD Metcon (Time) Teams of 24 RoundsPartner 1: 400m Run Partner 2: 500/450m Row-into-40 Bench Press (135/80)40

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CrossFit WOD, August 30, 2024

CrossFit – Fri, Aug 30 Warm-up Warm Up 2:00 Machine-into-3 Rds5 Kip Swings10 Band Lat Pulldowns10 Banded Pass Throughs5 Muscle Snatch (PVC- empty bar)5 Snatch Push Press (PVC- empty bar)5 Overhead Squats (PVC- empty bar) WOD Metcon (Time) 7 Rounds3 Bar Muscle Ups (Or 7

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CrossFit WOD, August 29, 2024

CrossFit – Thu, Aug 29 Warm-up Warm Up 2 Rds20 Jumping Jacks10 Roll and Reach10 Bird Dogs-into-2 Rds5 Deadlifts 5 Sumo Deadlift High Pull 5 Push Press SWOD Deadlift (1×3) 10:00 Running ClockDeadlift:#1: 10 reps @ 50%#2: 3 reps @ 60%#3: 3 reps @ 70%#4:

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